Sir — As a signatory of the letter to The Times which prompted Christopher Gray’s late-night thoughts on a building which he has never seen (Gray Matter, October 10), I must take issue with his conclusion.

It is arguable that Seaton Delaval is Vanbrugh’s mature masterpiece. There are many who believe it to be a far more accomplished work of architecture than Blenheim or Castle Howard (which Mr Gray rightly identified as the true star of Brideshead Revisited).

It is currently in a very fragile state and needs significant funds to ensure its future survival.

The works necessary for conversion to a hotel or sub-division into apartments would inevitably diminish its architectural character and compromise its dramatic setting.

Moreover, the current financial situation suggests that neither option would be viable in the foreseeable future.

The bold initiative by the National Trust truly represents the last chance for the proper conservation of this outstanding building.

They would be ideal custodians and they would make the house and its grounds accessible to us all.

This is a major challenge and an opportunity to demonstrate our genuine concern for our precious architectural heritage.

I sincerely hope that Mr Gray’s rather flippant remark does not deter your readers from supporting the Trust in its valiant rescue attempt (further details available at

Professor Malcolm Airs, Dorchester-on-Thames