Sir — I was amazed to find, like many others who live or work around Thames View (near Waitrose, Abingdon), that the handy short-cut pedestrians had created in a gap in the fence around the Audlett Drive car park had been blocked off with grand, eight-feet high, black iron railings, topped with golden spearheads.

After months of free access, pedestrians now have to take a long detour, which is infuriating for most, and a real trial for older citizens and those carrying loads of things.

Rumour has it that due to complaints of cars being damaged by folk going past when using the handy opening, Barratt Homes — or was it Waitrose or the Vale of White Horse? — ordered the blocking-off of this beautiful example of resourceful, anarchical urban planning. What a pity! In this eco-age, when walking more and driving less are being actively encouraged, this barrier to the free movement of pedestrians is the most petty and psycho-rigid act I've seen in a long time.

Planting a bollard in the middle of the singular parking space leading to the gap would have been much cheaper than these railings. Pedestrians would have had ample room to pass nearby cars and, frankly, there's always loads of parking spaces available in the Audlett Drive car park.

Only imagination and free spirits are lacking. Whoever did it, please give us back our 'Citizens' Gap'!

Kathy Stephen, Abingdon