Sir — There are no parking restrictions presently in place on the humpback canal bridge in Elizabeth Jennings way.

Vehicles are parked there most of the time and traffic approaching from the east is forced on to the wrong side of the road where it is blind to oncoming vehicles.

One does not need to conduct a plebiscite to know that this is dangerous. Accidents have already occurred and a more serious one is waiting to happen.

Berkeley Homes, who are at present responsible for the road (which has not yet been adopted) and Oxfordshire County Council who are likely to adopt it eventually, could easily get together and ensure safety in this area. Both organisations have been made aware of the danger, but choose to ignore it.

The Thames Valley Police could also take action against the drivers of cars parked in a dangerous position, which would help to alleviate the situation.

However I recently found one of their own police cars parked directly on top of the hump.

Dr Stephen Wilson, Oxford