Sir — Could I thank you and your correspondents for the comments on rubbish and recycling in Oxford (Letters, October 10)? Even a fortnightly food waste collection would be a big improvement on what Oxford has now. But we want people's views.

Labour is indeed asking the public what they think about a new three-bin collection, including their views about fortnightly collections of rubbish for landfill. Residents should contact me, or City Works, on 01865 252900 or and we will listen. We will certainly be backing the Spring Clean next year, brilliantly organised by the OxClean volunteers. If readers spot problems with rubbish outside Houses in Multiple Occupation, please let us know so that we can clear up the mess and try to make sure it doesn't happen again.

We are working hard to encourage new students to learn our recycling ways but clearly we need to do more. If any of your readers would like to join our enthusiastic team of voluntary recycling champions, for their street or block of flats, they should let us know.

Meanwhile, I hope everyone in Oxford will watch out for the new days and arrangements for refuse collections from October 27. Together we can continue to reduce the amount of rubbish we send to landfill. John Tanner, Board member for a cleaner, greener Oxford