Sir — Reducing congestion and the traffic into Oxford seem to be quite a high priority for the city council, as well as the environmental benefits from fewer cars being driven into the city, not to mention the reduction of obesity and the wellbeing of citizens.

However, Summertown seems to be almost a car park in the mornings. One of the reasons why many people do not cycle more, or take their children to school on a bike, they say to me, is that it is not safe.

So I entirely disagree with the reader from last week who congratulated the Oxfordshire County Council on the Summertown traffic and pedestrian scheme. He complains about cyclists on the pavements. Perhaps that is partly because the council have entirely forgotten about cyclists and there is no cycle lane on the Banbury road through Summertown, (despite unnecessarily large pavements).

Since there was more than one cyclist death reported in last week's The Oxford Times, how about the Oxfordshire County Council putting in a cycle lane before it is too late?

Jake Backus, Oxford