Two burglars posing as police officers tricked their way into an elderly Oxford woman's home yesterday.

They knocked on the kitchen window of a 68-year-old woman's home in Northfield Road, Headington, at about 9.40pm, claiming to be from Thames Valley Police and wanted to speak to her about installing CCTV.

They showed some form of identification to get inside before asking where she kept her money.

She showed them and when they had left she noticed that about £500 had been stolen.

The first man was white, aged between 60 and 65, chubby, and was wearing a dark blue jacket.

The second was white, aged between 20 and 25, of medium build, with blond hair in a bowl haircut.

Pc Craig Burchall, investigating the incident, said: "If police officers make inquiries at your home, make sure you ask to see their identification and examine it thoroughly.

"All genuine police officers carry a badge and also a warrant card showing their name, details and photograph.

"If you have any doubts whatsoever, call the police and they will be able to check whether your caller is there legitimately.

"Crimes of this type are rare. However, I would urge all residents not to let any unexpected callers into their homes, to remain vigilant and to call the police straight away if they see anyone behaving suspiciously."

Anyone with information should call police on 08458 505505 or speak anonymously to Crimestoppers on 0800 555111.