A teenager robbed a woman of her handbag in Headington.

At about 5.40pm yesterday, a 64-year-old woman was walking in Gladstone Road when a teenager cycled into her outside the community centre and snatched her bag.

The offender was black, aged in his late teens, around 5ft 8in tall and of average build. He was wearing a black baseball cap with a white pattern on it and black tracksuit top and bottoms.

Det Con Simon Beaton said: “The teenager made off in the direction of Quarry High Street.

“I appeal to anyone who was in the Headington area yesterday and saw a man of this description on a bike to contact police immediately.”

Anyone with information that could assist police inquiries is urged to contact Det Con Beaton via Thames Valley Police on 0845 8 505 505. If you don’t want to speak to police and don’t want to leave your name contact the Crimestoppers charity on 0800 555 111.