A woman denied having consensual sex with a man she accuses of raping her.

The 22-year-old woman, who cannot be named for legal reasons, told the jury at Oxford Crown Court yesterday that she tried to push her alleged attacker off her as he pinned her arm to the bed.

Duran Palmer, 23, of Aytoun Place, Brixton, London, denies one charge of rape.

During cross examination, she denied claims by John Reilly, defending, that she had agreed to have sex with Palmer.

He had said: "You never said 'no' at any time.

"You had consensual sex with him."

Mr Reilly then asked if she had bitten or scratched her alleged attacker and she said no.

But she added she made it clear she did not want to have sex with him. She said: "He was trying to kiss my neck and I kept trying to push his face.

"When he got on top of me he was trying to kiss me and I said 'no'.

"He was just pinning my arm down.

"I thought I could push him off me."

Earlier in the trial she told the court she had first met the man — who the prosecution claims is Palmer — at the Rice & Peas takeaway, in Cowley Road, Oxford, about a month before the alleged attack.

She said she was raped when the man took her to a flat in Windrush Tower, Blackbird Leys, last November, after they arranged to meet up.

The case continues.