Pensioner Janet Berry was in tears when she saw what vandals had done to her "lifeline" runaround car.

The 67-year-old, whose husband Don is housebound and suffers from cancer, woke up to find her Nissan Micra turned over on its side in a parking bay just yards from her front door in Wadards Meadow, on Witney's Cogges estate.

The petrol tank was damaged and leaking across the road, putting five other cars in danger of going up in flames. Police have called it a dangerous and callous crime.

Mrs Berry said: "I was devastated and in tears.

"My husband is sick with cancer and the car means everything to me. I use it to go and visit him in hospital and make a quick visit to the shops.

"The car's a write-off but everyone has been so kind, this is a lovely community."

The incident happened between 9pm on Saturday and 7am on Sunday.

Cards of sympathy have been sent to Mrs Berry and her husband.

A neighbour, Peter Martin, quickly stepped in yesterday and lent them a car. He has also offered to take Mrs Berry to a car auction to get a replacement once the insurance company has paid out.

One estimate for repairing the damaged side of the car alone was more than £700.