The night came alight with the message 'no to the incinerator' as environment campaigners took their fight to the skies.

Sutton Courtenay Action Group launched hologram messages on to Didcot power station's cooling towers on Monday, in its latest protest against a plan to build a waste incinerator near the village.

The laser lights, which were provided by a member of the group, could be seen from surrounding villages for about 10 minutes.

It was followed by a meeting in the village hall.

The group's planning consultant Alan Watson told 200 people about the ways in which they could fight the plans.

Action group member Callum Mackenzie, pictured, said: "The words beamed on to the cooling towers were consistent with the words that we're using, which is basically 'no to the incinerator'.

"People were phoning me up from the village, having spotted the words on the cooling towers, saying 'what's going on?' It was seen as far as you can see the power station."

He added: "The fight goes on. Alan Watson visited to inform the public what the real implications of the incinerator are so that we can get their support."

The parish council last month unanimously voted to object to plans for the £1bn incinerator, capable of burning 300,000 tonnes of waste a year. Oxfordshire County Council is looking at incinerator sites in Sutton Courtenay and Ardley, near Bicester.