Please may I warn people to look extra carefully at their fuel bills? I was paying my gas bill at £51 a month by direct debit.

In July, my statement said they were increasing the amount to £71.

I was expecting the increase and hoped this would build up credit for the winter.

I have just received my quarterly statement, saying I was in credit by £100. Certainly a good start for the winter.

Then I noticed some separate writing, saying they were increasing my payments to £101 per month, up 100 per cent in three months!

On phoning, I was told that the girl had not noticed the increase had already been added, and my account would be adjusted back to £71.

Thanks. Then I was asked if I had already received my electricity account, as the same mistake had been made with that. That is also now being adjusted.

KIT BERRY Langley Close Headington Oxford