Two men armed with knives robbed a garage today.

The balaclava-clad men raided the BP petrol station, in Brize Norton Road, Carterton, at about 3.30am, threatening two women cashiers with knives.

They stole cash from the till and cigarettes.

The first man was about 5ft 8in, wearing a dark jacket, jeans, and trainers and was carrying a large black holdall.

The second man was about 5ft 9in, wore a black jacket and was carrying a brown bag.

After the robbery, they headed off on foot in the direction of Shilton Park Investigating officer Det Sgt Craig Kirby said: "I appeal to anyone who was in this area of Carterton around the time of the incident, and witnessed two men of these descriptions acting suspiciously, to contact police immediately."

Anyone with information should call police on 08458 505505 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111.