Knife-wielding robbers held up staff at a filling station in Carterton early today.

At about 3.10am, two men entered the garage in Brize Norton Road, threatened the two female members of staff with a knife and stole cash from the till and cigarettes.

Both of the men were wearing balaclavas. The first man was about 5ft 8in tall and was wearing a dark jacket, jeans and trainers. He was carrying a large black holdall.

The second man was about 5ft 9in tall, wore a black jacket and was carrying a brown bag.

Det Sgt Craig Kirby said: “The men made off on foot in the direction of Shilton Park.

"I appeal to anyone who was in this area of Carterton around the time of the incident, and witnessed two men of these descriptions acting suspiciously, to contact police immediately.”

Anyone with information that could assist police enquiries is urged to contact Det Sgt Kirby viat Thames Valley Police Enquiry Centre on 0845 8 505 505.

If you don’t want to speak to police and don’t want to leave your name contact the Crimestopppers charity on 0800 555 111.