Several readers asked why we didn't publish the names of those who attended Pegasus Football Club's final reunion.

They were pictured among the shrubbery at Pembroke College, Oxford (Memory Lane, July 7).

The participants, supplied by reunion organiser George Scanlan, are: Bernard Coe, Mike Bushell, Mike Pinner, Ron Hurren, Jack Dougall, John Beddows, Peter Hancock, Tony Mitchell, David Harrison, Rob Tillard, David Miller, Brian Wakefield, Roy Caddick, David Bolton, John Newell, Harold Fish, Geoff Hewitson, David Keighley, James Platt, ? Walton, John Harding, Toby Turl, Brian Randall, George Scanlan, John Dutchman, Doug Insole, John Blythe, Roy Lenton, Roy Sutcliffe, Donald Carr, Ken Shearwood and Tony Pawson.

As we recalled, Pegasus, a team of Oxford and Cambridge undergraduates, enjoyed huge success and attracted thousands of fans in the late 1940s and early 1950s, twice winning the FA Amateur Cup at Wembley.

With many of the players now in their eighties, they decided it was time for a final get-together, coinciding with the club's diamond jubilee and what would have been the 100th birthday of its founder, Oxford academic Sir Harold Thomp- son.