Since John Tanner, councillor for a cleaner city, has at last established that it is mainly student houses which cause the most mess for our cleaners to remove, and is solving the problem by providing 800 free wheelie bins, and a £15,000 cleaning scheme is to be implemented, I would like to ask who is to pay for this?

Is it the residents, who already pay our council tax, or are the university treasurers going to be asked to contribute?

After all, it is they who now invite far too many students for our communities to cope with, and it is they who make money out of them!

Also, do absent landlords pay council tax to help pay for the rubbish collections at their multi-occupied properties?

Either way, I am grateful that at least someone is beginning to concentrate on where residents live instead of just where the tourists visit.

PAMELA WEBBER Bullingdon Road Oxford