The growing financial crisis concerns us all — whether we have savings, are paying mortgages, or simply worry about our jobs.

The Conservatives have made clear we will work with Government in the short-term to help get our country through it.

However, while the problem is clearly global in its scale, it is time for Gordon Brown to admit that much of what we are now suffering is down to decisions that he made during his time as Chancellor.

I was surprised, therefore, that Mr Brown's MP for Oxford East, Andrew Smith, was recently quoted saying Mr Brown has “a great record on the economy”.

I'm not sure that many of us, when faced with the spiralling cost of trying to pay our bills or doing the weekly shop, would agree. People who put their trust in Labour in Oxford quite rightly feel let down.

Under Labour, we have seen an economy built on debt, running a vast budget deficit, leaving us badly prepared for the financial crisis and the downturn.

They raided the UK's piggy bank, borrowed and spent what we couldn't afford when times were good, and now there's nothing left for the tough times.

And of course it's us that will have to pay — today's borrowing is tomorrow's increased taxes.

This crisis shows we need change, not more of the same.

Instead of a divided Government led by the man who left the economy so badly prepared for this crisis, Oxford and Britain need a strong united, positive alternative to Labour — only the Conservatives offer that.

ED ARGAR Conservative Parliamentary Candidate for Oxford East