33 weeks pregnant, I feel like I’m getting bigger by the day, getting around at anything other than a snails pace is a bit of a chore.

It’s a shame my 16 month year old hasn’t figured out that mummy has grown considerably larger and I can’t chase her around as much as she would like me to; but she is being very good and patient (most of the time!) and I’m sure she’s looking forward to having a baby sister to play with. ‘Bump’ is doing well and moving around alot, I’m convinced she’s going to be a dancer as it feels like she’s tap dancing on my bladder as I seem to be permanently visiting the ladies. Similar to my fellow blogger, my 3 cats also seem to know there is an imminent arrival and are constantly hanging around me and trying to sit on top of Bump, I wouldn’t mind so much but they are big cats and weigh similar to that of a small child. With only 7 weeks to go, it’s about time I brushed up on looking after a newborn, husband and I were saying how we’d both forgotten what to do; but I am sure it will all come back to us as soon as she arrives. It will soon be time to dust of the moses basket off and prepare for those interrupted nights of sleep!!!!