I have only just come across a great scheme funded jointly by the Lions and Help the Aged.

Older people and those living on their own are encouraged to keep basic personal and medical details in a special bottle in their fridge. It can be found quickly in an emergency.

Unique green stickers on the fridge door and on the inside of the front door alert emergency services to the presence of the "message in a bottle".

There are now about 40,000 bottles in use in Oxfordshire.
The scheme has been running for over 4 years.

Bottles and all the other information needed can be picked up from:

* GP surgeries
* health centres
* pharmacies
* Neighbourhood Watch Coordinators

People taking part fill in a form with details about themselves, their GP, any medical conditions and information on at least two people to be contacted in the event of sudden illness or accident. This goes in the bottle and the bottle goes in the fridge.

For further help contact Madeleine Radburn, Lions Club County Coordinator:

Phone 01865 221132
email maddy@mradburn.fsbusiness.co.uk