It is 9pm on a work night and Himself has been out in the garden since he rushed in from work.
For the past hour or so he has been building Littl'un's new playhouse which arrived this morning.
As I look out of the window now he his walking around it, inspecting every screw and bolt and shaking the sides to make sure it isn't going to fall on his little princess's head.
Half an hour ago he had me searching the house for batteries because the phone inside MUST work by the time she wakes up and sees it tomorrow morning.
If his work colleagues could see him now....

Littl'un meanwhile is fast asleep up in bed looking like an extra from Scarface.
She took a tumble off a chair this afternoon and has a shocking scratch all across her chin. I just hope it's gone by the time she goes to nursery on Monday because she's had so many war wounds recently I'm sure they've got me pegged me as an abusive mum.