Went in hospital for a few days last week and was pretty stressed about it. Not about going in, but about leaving Littl'un.
After almost two years together the longest she and I have been apart is about four hours so I was dreading leaving her and I think Himself was pretty scared about it too.
Still, he said he was okay alone and didn't need either his mum or mine, so I decided to let him go with it.
I'm a little ashamed to admit that I've probably monolpolised the care of Littl'un since she was born.
It's not because I think Himself isn't up to it, far from it, but more often than not I've thought: "It's quicker and easier to do it myself, so I'll just do that."
In hindsight this hasn't been a great idea.
For one, I've probably not only stopped him from doing a lot of things he would have enjoyed doing, I've also made a rod for my own back where some things are concerned - and this includes putting her to bed, which I have always done.
On my first night in hospital I lay there thinking of her screaming for me and him stressed near to throwing himself out of the window.
The next day I spoke to him and everything had been fine.
I was glad (but also a bit miffed) - maybe she wasn't as attached to me as I thought.
The next night was much of the same.
I was so desperate to see her it seemed like hours until they came to pick me up and I almost blubbed when I saw here.
She didn't run to me as she usually did, but she cuddled me and kissed me and held my hand all the way to the car where I sat in the back with her.
Then the weirdest thing happened.
- She called me Debbie.
Now some people might argue that this isn't so weird and that a lot of children call their parents by their Christian names at some point.
But the only person who calls me Debbie is my Dad.
It was funny at first and Himself joked that she was punishing me for leaving her.
She called me it all the way home, sometimes "Deb" and even when I said: "No! It's mummy" she still did it.
In fact she did it through the evening and right until she went to bed when she finally started to call me Mummy again.
A few days on she is just as she's always been, apart from she is more closer to her daddy than she's ever been.
He is now putting her to bed, taking her in the shower and even doing her hair.
As my nan would say: You live and learn.