It is undoubtedly one of the last great unaddressed iniquities in our society, and to see it paraded on the BBC before an audience of millions was truly shocking, especially considering the BBC is usually the arch guardian of everything that is PC in this country.
After all, do they have no idea how offensive this sort of thing is to oppressed minorities in the UK, and that it would only go to whip up further ridicule, abuse and discrimination?
I talk, of course, about that great scourge, Regionalism. Coming as I do from the Westcountry, I was appalled to see a free plug for the Glastonbury festival using a horrid stereotype of a Westcountryman as a cider-sodden, tractor-driving, straw-sucking dimwitted yokel who drove into the back of a car (in his tractor, of course), just because he saw some female festival-goer topless. "Oi droove into the back of 'er carrr," he drooled, spittle running down his chin.
After all, they wouldn't think it acceptable instead to depict some Irish peasant in a donkey jacket who suddenly drops his spade when he see a semi-naked women, or some big-lipped black bloke who drops his water melon at the sight, or a dwarfish Welshman who accidentally lets the sheep slip from his grasp, would they?
In fact, I think I may be in need of some compensation to assuage my hurt feelings. Anybody want to contribute to a fighting fund?