Since littl'un started talking, her dad and I have had this running argument.
You see she often says things when he's at work that I find pretty amazing.
We're not talking things like: "Put the kettle on I'm dying for a brew mum," but we are talking little phrases.
I then jump up and down and try and get her to say it again.
Trouble is, she never does and then her daddy gives me that look - the one that says: "You're spending too much time with a toddler - you need to get out more. Which makes me want to put him out - permanently.
Yesterday I was bathing her and we were making bubbles with soap on her hands and she did it again.
Holding out her hands she said: "Bubba-ma-han", which any idiot could tell you meant: "Bubbles on my hands".
I shouted to Himself who was tarting himself up in the bedroom.
He ambled in a few minutes later - already with "the look" on his face.
Say it again for daddy, I urged her.
She grinned.
Himself rubbed his chin and smirked.
I have now decided to keep our little conversations to myself.