Got back from a weekend away and Littl'un was so exhausted she actually stood at the bottom of the stairs last night at 7pm and pointed at her bedroom.
She is now changing so much every day. As well as telling us she has done poo-poo - done it - not that she's going to do it mind you - she is also stringing words together, which sounds pretty weird.
It's difficult trying to imagine what she'll eventually sound like - she's got a pretty husky voice.
Maybe she'll be like Mariella Frostrup??
She also seems to find some words easy and some words harder, but not in the way you'd expect.
She cannot say cat - she says rat instead.
But she has no problem saying spider or even rabbit.
Her favourite though is "Indy" - our dog - who she seems completely in love with - even if she does occasionally bat her round the head with a spatula.
The other day we came out of the supermarket and I made the mistake of pointing out an 'Indy' (another West Highland White Terrier) which was waiting for its owner.
As we got in the car she was still screaming for Indy - hysterical that we were driving off without her.