I had a good weekend training and have realised that I will just have to put up with the pain for a wee bit until my body adapts.
I had a cycle on Sunday morning of about 20 miles (Saturday was a write-off after the hangover) and then, after a great trip to a very sunny Cotswold Wildlife Park, I had a good 10km run.
It went well and I managed to converse with my wife until about 9.25pm which is an improvement but then I fell asleep. In my defence, we were watching Midsomer Murders which is a very strong soporific.
This morning I was aching a lot in the leg department - and then in the motivation department when I realised my bike was at work because I had gone straight out on Friday.
Still, the run in did actually ease the ache a bit and it was nice and sunny again.
I do have a slight nagging pain in the soles of my feet, which is a concern after the problems I had around October but I am sure it will be fine.