After several weeks of interupted sleep, drastic measures were called for.
Being poorly a few weeks ago meant her whole sleep routine was out the window - and frankly I was knackered.
I knew what I had to do - I'd done it before.
But I was still dreading it.
Tuesday night, instead of rocking her to sleep, I put her straight into her cot while she was still awake.
Thirty-five minutes later she was still screaming and I was under the extractor fan in the kitchen fighting the urge to stab myself with the bread knife.
Himself stood by the side of me reading the Sky News headlines on the lap top.
He told me to stick with it.
I considered "sticking" him.
I know I sound like one of those loopy earth mothers, but he doesn't seem to be affected by the sound of her crying like I do.
When she cries, it's like I'm drawn to her and if I try and stay away, it makes me feel terrible.
When she did stop crying I settled down to watch the TV, but I could hear her hiccupping for about half an hour and I felt like the worse mum in the world.
That night I slept badly.
I kept waking up all night expecting her to cry and I couldn't help thinking she'd gone to sleep wondering why I had abandoned her.
The next morning she still seemed to love me though and last night she only cried for about three minutes when I put her down.
She then slept without waking for 12 and half hours.
Fingers crossed for night three.
Could I have cracked it?