Arrived at playgroup last Friday to find a professional photographer was taking portraits of the children.
We've never had proper pix taken of Littl'un.
We've taken hundreds and hundreds of our own and so have never felt the need, but I decided to give it a go and put our name on the list for a sitting.
When our turn came, she was engrossed in a tea set and not too happy to put it down.
I carried her into the room and sat her down against the blue backdrop, she took one look at all the lights and the guy with the great big camera and started to wail.
After a bit of cajoling she stopped and he pointed the camera at her.
- she started to wail again.
I said I'd come back and he suggested we give her a while to settle.
Then just as we were walking out, she gave him one of her big beams.
"Quick, sit her down again," he said.
And Bingo! while she smiled at him he fired off a few dozen shots.
Only got to the see them on his camera screen, but they looked lovely.