Last Tuesday’s club night consisted of ten of us reading Baby Doll by Tennessee Williams. Now the elder section of my five reader base will remember this epic as a 1956 film starring Carroll Baker in the title role and the work being nominated for four Oscars. To my younger following it is the steamy tale of two southern rivals in the gold old USA vying for a sensuous 19-year-old (may I say) virgin.
There is more chance of the Queen skivvying than us being able to put the play on, as for a start you would need a stage the size of Worcestershire.
Tonight who know what we will read. Time progresses towards when we should start rehearsing our autumn production. It would be nice to put on a good old-fashioned piece of entertainment for the village.
Now there’s a thought.
My favourite for November would be Losing Louie by Simon Mendes da Costa.
I saw this play in Oxford two years ago and found it entertaining and very funny in parts. We have read the play and have someone prepared to direct it, stay tuned to this channel for further details as the plot progresses.
Now I admit to being a bit of a philistine when it comes to the theatre. I like to be entertained and even break into a smile from time to time. I like the plot to have a beginning, a middle and an end. Unfortunately this out-dated philosophy is frowned upon and I am looked upon as some kind of dinosaur when it comes to suggesting plays. Another instalment on the search for a play next week.