Terrible day.
Having gone 364 days without seeing little'un's blood, she certainly made up for it by tearing the little piece of skin that joins her top lip and her top gum.
Who would have thought something so small could bleed so much.
Went in to her room this morning at 2.30am and almost passed out.
I can joke now, but it was like a scene from the Living Dead. Blood all over and her and the cot where she'd been poking her mouth in her sleep.
Rang NHS Direct and a nice nurse called Kate said unless she was pouring blood, not to worry
Went to the docs who sympathised and said: "God, that must have been scary!"
The blood tide has now stemmed thank goodness and incidentally she's been fine throughout.
- completely accepting of her Exorcist-like blood venting.
My heart's still going like the clappers.