There is a couple living in a house in a field, they agreed to buy a cow so that they could have milk and make cheese for themselves as well as sell some of it. Next day he goes to the market and buys a cow, he starts his journey back home, on the way he meets someone with a horse, so he decided to exchange the cow for the horse, next he meets with someone with a donkey, so he exchanges again, he almost reaches his house, alas he meets someone with a pig, you got it he exchanges again. When he gets to the house his wife says I thought you were buying a cow not a pig.So he explains the situation, now you would think the woman would go baulistic with all sorts of names (well you know), how can he exchange away something good for a pig. Instead of scorning him she opens her arms and huged him saying, I love you the way you are. There are two morals to the story, one he is altruistic, the other the woman thus not give a toss, she still loves him whatever. Now lets go and check this out. You know it is difficult to explain something abstract to anyone. Meeting someone on first encounter, you think I like him/her, the stars are shining the birds singing and honey is sweeter than ever. Then the phisical contact, fireworks, thunder and ligthning, good for a moment until you find out that your partner snores, has smelly feet, does not like your make up or aftershave, does not like the way you walk, after a few months all the other problems come out, all conditional. You see the story above is unconditional, it is true love. In the Italian language we have two words for I love you, the first, "ti voglio bene", now you can say that to your mother, father, brother, sister, even friends of the same sex, the other "ti amo", this is an "I love you" with power, it gives out a lot of energy, it is not for your mum and dad and the others, it is only for the person you really love, no condition, no ifs and buts, no distance, no time, no limit, it is always there, touch it and you have it, think it and you have it, no one can take it away from you unless it is the intended person, even when the intended person takes it away there is always more. You may say "you live in a fantasy world", wrong, an experience of true love is linking three elements, body, soul and spirit, that is the triangle of true love, each one of the elements can live alone, but toghether, I leave you to think about it. Out there are some people I say "ti voglio bene" and one I say TI AMO. I was serious up to now. Why did I want to write about love, ho! I rememeber now I was watching a program on TV about atoms, maybe love is an atomic bomb, or was is it internet love, anyway it all sounds explosive.

Ciao Ciao