The committee meeting last Thursday found me volunteering to organise the treasure hunt and the weekend away being pushed to later in the year. I reckon the social side of the group is more difficulty to get things moving than putting on a play.
Still it was a good meeting, but we are still no further on deciding a play for November.
Now due to circumstances beyond my control I didn’t go to the club night last Tuesday, where I believe a short session of play reading disintegrated into a long birthday celebration down the pub. Tut-tut.
We will try again tomorrow night where a fresh batch of suggestions will no doubt be put forward as regards the autumn production.
We are still recruiting for new members to our band of players anyone interested should just roll up on a Tuesday night, Kingston Bagpuize with Southmoor village hall and see if our group is to your taste.
Apart from acting members we are in need of new recruits for backstage bodies especially in the shape of lighting expertise. Our current ace (we’ll call him Ian) is set to retire from dramatic activities and we need a replacement pdq. Now Ian being the stalwart he is has promised to teach his replacement all he knows about theatre lighting, which I have to say is extensive.
The running plot of Edna the Inebriate Woman (see previous blogs) continues. The rights of the piece have been returned to the BBC apparently so the search goes on for permission to stage the play, which looks now like sometime next year.