I am escaping to the peace of my office to write this blog, as there is a whirlwind of activity going on in all areas of the New Theatre this week. We have the Welsh National Opera and 4 operas in one week equals a LOT of crew/set/costumes/orchestra! Not to mention the most incredible amount of work that goes on moving scenery, not only on the get in, but during the intervals and after each performance.

It's a different world from our recent one night concerts and comedy - my favourite moment of last week would be meeting Jimmy Carr who was very down to earth and stayed to sign autographs for all his fans & thanked them for waiting!

Next week won't calm down either because I start my new role as Deputy based mostly at the Old Fire Station, the previous fab deputy leaving (and obviously her leaving do!) as well as a full week of Lord of the Dance which has even more crew involved!