The Champions league semi-finals promise to be cracking matches - although I'm predicting a drab contest tonight and so am heading to the Kassam Stadium instead.
Liverpool are such a boring (but effective) side in Europe, and I can't really see much point in watching a team that will be happy to sit back and wait for Gerrard to unleash a long-range effort to try and give them a victory.
Chelsea will be happy with a 0-0 draw, so if we get anywhere near 2 goals it will be a surprise.
Barcelona against Manchester United will be a much more entertaining match - Man Utd always try to score, home or away, and playing against Barca will hopefully be no different.
As for Oxford, Darren Patterson has got his side playing promotion-chasing football and they will end the season on a high.
And it's always great when a gobby player comes back to the Kassam Stadium and is assured a hostile welcome.
Mind you, bet you Burgess scores. . .