Officers have been patrolling antisocial behaviour (ASB) 'hotspot locations' in north Oxfordshire. 

This morning (November 18), PCSOs Drury and Pearce from the Bicester team were joined in their patrols to these hotspots by Yvonne Jaggs from Cherwell District Council's Community Safety Team.

Thames Valley Police said the times officers attend hotspot areas varies, and as well as taking any necessary enforcement actions, officers listen to people they come across to "gain an understanding of how ASB affects them and identify who is best placed to deal with different aspects of a problem".

The force said officers today saw some "good examples" of environmental crime prevention around the town, where the open design of public spaces has "made it harder for ASB to be committed without being witnessed".

A spokesperson for Thames Valley Police Cherwell said: "As these

READ MORE: Man jailed and banned from driving for more than 7 years reports often relate to a pattern of behaviour at "hotspot" locations, high visibility patrol of these areas for deterrent purposes is a regular daily activity for Neighbourhood Policing Teams, and we work together with partnership agencies to identify long term solutions.

"Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) is any aggressive, intimidating or destructive activity that damages or destroys another person's quality of life.

"Not surprisingly, this makes up a sizeable proportion of reports to police, although sometimes it is reported to other community stakeholders, such as local authorities or social housing providers."

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