A biotechnology company in Milton Park has taken part in a retail challenge raising nearly £3,000 for charity. 

A total of 25 employees from MTM (Molecule to Medicine), which is based in Milton Park, took part in the cause at five Helen and Douglas House shops on October 2, raising £2,995 for charity. 

The staff were at five Helen & Douglas House shops in Wallingford, Wantage, Abingdon, Marlborough and Rose Hill between 10am and 3.30pm to see who could raise the most amount of money by the end of the day.

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The teams could decide how they would raise the money with some teams setting up bake sales, others running raffles and decorating shop windows.  £2,995 was raised through shop sales that day and fundraising activities.

The Rose Hill team raised the most money raising £1,297 in just one day.

Since the two-year partnership with MTM began in 2023, they have supported Helen & Douglas House in a variety of ways including two employees doing skydives and three employees running this year’s Oxford Half Marathon last week as well as bake sales at their offices.

In total, including the retail challenge they have raised over £12,804 so far.

Sarah Robson, who helped to run the event, said “We have been running our retail challenge for over 10 years for companies to take part in. It is a fantastic team building activity whilst also supporting a local charity.

“Teams put commercial acumen and personal skills to the test, including creativity, team working, customer service and innovation, all whilst interacting with and getting to know their local communities.

“I would like to thank MTM for signing up to our retail challenge and all the employees who took part for raising so much money in one day. MTM’s aim was to raise £5,000 a year which they have exceeded already half-way through the second year.  

"MTM were looking for a team activity that would also benefit Helen & Douglas House, and also raise awareness of the work we do amongst colleagues within MTM and our retail challenge achieved these objectives.”

Andrea Nisbet, from MTM who was at the Marlborough shop, said "It was fantastic to spend the day supporting the retail shops and I am thrilled that we were able to raise so much money as a collective team for such a worthwhile charity."

Sam Harris from MTM who was at the Wallingford shop said : "I was motivated to volunteer to help a local charity, especially a children's charity.

"It's a bit of fun and something different to do! It also incorporates MTM's values of teamwork, innovation and excellence."