Civic chiefs have condemned the Labour government over its plans to reopen a controversial immigration centre near Oxford

Home secretary Yvette Cooper announced a few months ago that plans were going ahead for the reopening of Campsfield House in Kidlington.

The Labour-run Oxford City Council voted overwhelmingly in favour of a motion, presented by Green member Alex Powell at the full council meeting on October 7, to write to the home secretary to urge her to abandon the plan.

Ms Cooper's announcement has been heavily criticised by numerous migrants’ rights groups including Asylum Welcome, Detention Action, The Refugee Council, and Amnesty International UK. 

In August, demonstrators took to the streets in Oxford city centre over the controversial plans. 

READ MORE: Campsfield House: Green Party urges civic chiefs to act

Protestors rally against Campsfield House re-opening (Image: Robert Folker) Mr Powell said: “This new Labour government had an opportunity to reset the record on migration and asylum. Instead, they have opted to continue the Tories’ legacy of performative cruelty. The reopening of Campsfield House is a prime example of this.

“Oxford is a city of sanctuary and its residents have a proud history of standing up for refugees. The only way to stop lives being lost in the English Channel is to open up safe and legal routes for people seeking sanctuary. 

“The reopening of Campsfield House is a hangover of the kind of cruelty we all hoped we had said goodbye to after 14 years of Conservative rule. We must all keep fighting to avoid a reopening of this cruel institution.”

The motion's seconder, Oxford Community Independent councillor Dr Hosnieh Djafari-Marbini, said: “This prison was the site of misery and years of uncertainty for husbands, fathers and friends with the audacity to migrate and to seek asylum.

“Immigration detention and its circle of violence is inhumane, wasteful and makes a mockery of Oxford as a City of Sanctuary.

"Even the Tory reviews recommended the closure of the detention centres; that a new Labour government reopens this prison points to their corruption and deceit.

"The government wants us to blame each other - migrants just like myself and my co-workers in the NHS - for the long waiting lists and the high cost of living, rather than their kowtowing to massive corporations whose interests they serve.”

People from various campaign groups attended the meeting to add their support to the motion. 

SEE ALSO: Yvette Cooper faces backlash over Oxford immigration centre

Campsfield House (Image: Contributed) Sushila Dhall, from Refugee Resource, said: “At Refugee Resource, we see the damage done to vulnerable people when they are imprisoned for indefinite periods having committed no crime, and having come to the UK seeking safety and sanctuary.

"Oxford City Council, being a council of sanctuary, continues to demonstrate a commitment to human rights and dignity; and strongly stating opposition to imprisoning people at Campsfield is part of upholding these values, which align with ours.

“Instead of expanding detention units such as Campsfield, the government should focus on humane solutions that respect the dignity and rights of all individuals.

“Refugee Resource reiterates its strong opposition to the reopening of Campsfield; urges the government to prioritise the protection of human rights over policies that perpetuate fear, harm and division.”

In the debate on the motion, Labour councillor Lubna Arshad said: “The recent decision to reopen Campsfield House as a detention centre is troubling.

"For many, Campsfield symbolised hardship and expanding it only risks prolonging the suffering of those who seek refuge. The individuals who will be detained there are not criminals.

"They have escaped unimaginable difficulties, looking for compassion and a chance to rebuild their lives. Instead, they face indefinite detention, isolated from their families and society. 

“Oxford City Council has opposed this move as Campsfield has a painful history of protests, legal challenges and even suicides. We do not want to return to that.

"Instead the Campsfield Reimagined project proposes redeveloping the site into affordable housing, benefitting the local community and those who seek refuge. The Home Office must cancel the reopening.”

READ MORE: Oxford: Protestors rally against Campsfield House re-opening

Campsfield House protest (Image: Newsquest) Mohammed Azad, of the Real Independents group, spoke from first hand experience of having worked at the centre.

He said: “I am speaking from personal experience of working in Campsfield House for four years. The conditions the centre was kept in was bad, but the mental health conditions of the detainees was horrendous.

"There was daily violence that went unreported. While I was working there it was set on fire and there were fights there every day. Working there was very difficult. I urge this council to keep Campsfield House closed and make sure it never opens again.”

Ajaz Rehman, leader of Oxford Independent Group, added: “Words like 'troubling' and 'disappointing' don't go far enough, this is a scandal on a scale you can't imagine.

"This government is going to be responsible for the mental stress of all these people. If we side with humanity we need to condemn this opening in the strongest terms.”

All but two councillors present voted for the motion, with two from the Independent Oxford Alliance abstaining.

A Home Office spokesperson said: “The Home Office is opening an Immigration Removal Centre on the site of the former Campsfield House IRC at Kidlington in Oxfordshire.

"The new government is working at pace to clear the backlog left by the last administration.

“As part of our planning for the development of the site, we have held discussions with local councillors and other local stakeholders, to better understand the impact of the plans on the local environment and communities.”

Cherwell District Council has been approached for a comment.