Headington residents can now have their say on a forum giving them a voice in the development of the area.

Oxford City Council has opened a consultation on an application for redesignation of the Headington Neighbourhood Forum.

The Town and Country Planning Act 1990 requires neighbourhood forums to reapply for designation every five years.

Neighbourhood forums allow people to have a direct say in the development of their area by creating neighbourhood plans.

These plans set out policies to shape development and use of land in an area.

If approved by a local referendum, they must be considered by the local authority when making planning decisions.

The consultation is an opportunity for residents to express support or any concerns with the proposed area or makeup of the forum.

Councillor Louise Upton, the city council's cabinet member for planning, said: "Neighbourhood forums are an important way for local people to have their say on the future of their area.

"I’d encourage anyone with an interest in Headington to take part in the consultation and help shape its development."

The Headington Neighbourhood Forum area already has an adopted neighbourhood plan.

The consultation relates to the area covered by the Headington Neighbourhood Forum, which is unchanged from its last designation.

The consultation is open on the council’s website and will close at 11.59pm on Wednesday, November 20.