A pre-inquest review into the death of a baby who died waiting for an ambulance was held this week.

Wyllow-Raine Swinburn, from Didcot, died after her mum spent seven minutes waiting for someone to answer a 999 call, a previous hearing was told.

Her family spent 40 minutes giving her CPR as they waited for paramedics at their home, Oxford Coroner's Court was told last year.

Senior coroner Darren Salter adjourned the inquest to allow for further evidence to be gathered. 

A pre-inquest review into the death of the three-day-old was held at Oxford Coroner's Court on Wednesday, October 2. 

She was born at John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford on September 27, 2022 and discharged home on the evening of September 29.

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Wyllow-Raine then collapsed in the early hours of September 30.

Her mother Amelia Pill called an ambulance at 4.38am when Wyllow-Raine appeared to have stopped breathing. 

There was a delay of more than seven minutes in the emergency call being answered by South Central Ambulance Service. 

An ambulance did not arrive at the family home until 5.09am, more than 30 minutes after the call was made. 

Wyllow-Raine was taken to John Radcliffe Hospital where she was pronounced dead shortly after her arrival. 

At today’s hearing Mr Salter confirmed that the scope of the inquest will include the ambulance response and the hospital care provided to Wyllow-Raine and her mother at John Radcliffe Hospital. 

He noted that further expert evidence from a neonatology expert will be obtained before the inquest resumes. 

Wyllow-Raine's mother Ms Pill said: “We are grateful to the coroner for the time he is taking to find answers to our many questions about why Wyllow-Raine died so tragically.

“We hope the inquest in December will answer those questions about Wyllow-Raine’s death. We hope the coroner will make recommendations that will prevent any other family going through what we suffered that night and the pain and grief we have endured.

“We miss Wyllow-Raine every day and always think of the life she will never live with us.”

The family lawyer Ella Cornish, of Leigh Day, said: “Wyllow-Raine is greatly missed by her family, who celebrated her second birthday last week without her. 

"The family are relieved that coroner has identified the issues that the family have concerns about and is obtaining further evidence to examine these in further detail at the inquest in December. The family hope that any issues that may be identified at the inquest will be learnt from in hopes of preventing any other families from having to go through a similar, heartbreaking loss.”

The full inquest is due to be resumed on December 2 and 3 at Oxford Coroner's Court.