Landlords of an Oxfordshire country pub have hit back after local residents objected to plans for a new holiday cottage. 

Geoff and Jackie Noquet took over Blaze-Inn Saddles in 2005 in the hamlet of Burdrop, near Sibford Gower. 

They have applied to Cherwell District Council for a single-storey building and the scheme is set for a decision by the planning committee on Thursday, October 3. It has been recommended for approval. 

The scheme has drawn criticism over the use of the pub. It has had 22 objections and one supporting comment. 

READ MORE: Oxfordshire country pub holiday cottage plans to be decided

Mr and Mrs Noquet have hit back at the scheme's opponents, saying it's needed for them to diversify the business to the help the pub survive. 

They claim that the locals have had a vendetta against the pub after they took it on. 

Mr Nocquet said: “On our first very busy Friday night I was cleaning up after cooking and informed that the casual barman was finishing at 10.30pm. I found that strange because the previous owner had told me that he was paid £25 for a night shift until 11pm. I asked him what he should be paid expecting him to say £20 and he said £30. He also claimed to have several rum and coke drinks in-hand bought by customers. I should have known then just how devious some villagers can be.

“So, he sat the other side of the bar while I served him. I rang the bell at 10.50pm calling last orders and some customers were obviously surprised. I finished serving at 11pm and shortly afterwards a group of some eight people came down the stairs and stood at the bar. One man started to order a round of drinks for the group and I immediately stopped him saying the bar was closed and added that they all looked the worse for wear and even if in time that I would not serve them if they were driving.

“They all became very vocal stating that the previous owner let them serve themselves and would go up to bed and give them the keys to lock-up. I said I would not risk losing my business to serve after legal licensing hours to people who were clearly drinking and driving.”

The pub was previously called The Bishop Blaze Inn, but recently had a rebrand to be called Blaze-Inn Saddles. This is so the pub is more aimed at bikers, similar to Caffeine and Machine in Stratford. 

In the planning officers' report, it said: “The conservation officer considers that there would not be harm to the designated heritage asset as a result. Therefore, the proposal would preserve the character, appearance and setting of the conservation area.”