“I’ve never engaged in sex without consent,” said one of the men accused of raping a ‘vulnerable’ teenage girl in Banbury.

Damian Sidor, 28, of no fixed abode, Jaraslaw Szklarski, 56, of no fixed abode, and Patryk Kubacz, 30, of Edinburgh Way, Banbury, are all accused of sexually assaulting a 17-year-old girl on April 13 this year.

It is alleged that the offences took place opposite Banbury Railway Station in a white outbuilding.

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The men, all from Poland, have denied the offences with the exception of Szklarski who has pleaded guilty to one count of sexual assault.

Opening the case last month at Oxford Crown Court, prosecutor Edward Lucas said the men used the girl as a ‘sex toy’ by forcing her to perform sexual acts while the others had watched.

However, during the trial on Tuesday (October 1) a prepared police statement from Sidor was read out to the jury who claimed that the sex had been consensual.

In the prepared statement, provided to police during an interview on April 14 this year, Sidor wrote: “I dispute these allegations, I’m not responsible or involved in anyway. I deny rape.

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“I wish to state for the record that whenever I’ve engaged in sexual activity with a female, it has always been fully consensual throughout.

“I’ve never engaged in sexual activity without full consent of the female. These allegations are false, I’ve never raped anyone or acted recklessly.

“I’ve nothing further to add.”

In a second prepared statement in a later interview, Sidor wrote: “I continue to deny rape. I can’t comment on what happened between Kubacz and [the girl] as I was not there but she went willingly with him in the car.

“I accept having sex with her but it was consensual. She came to the shack willingly. We were all drinking and smoking, it was consensual and happy.

“She was willing at all times, there was no force or violence or weapon or knife or threats of any kind. When we had sex there was no one else present, only me.”

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“There was sex and drinking and everyone enjoying themselves, it was consensual. She is now saying she was forced but she was lying.”

The jury also heard a transcript of an interview with Kubacz, a father of four, who answered ‘no comment’ to all questions asked to him.

However, he did say: “Is it necessary to ask all these questions? All the questions to have to ask I’m going to answer no comment.”

The trial continues this week.