More than 20 people are objecting to plans for a new holiday cottage in an Oxfordshire village. 

Applicant Blaze-Inn Saddles want the new single-storey building at The Pheasant Pluckers Inn, in Burdrop near Sibford. 

The scheme has drawn criticism over the use of the pub. It has had 22 objections and one supporting comment. 

Cherwell District Council's planning committee will decide the application on Thursday, October 3. It has been recommended for approval. 

Helena Taylor, of Shutford Road, said: “The simple reason is that this property, known previously as the Bishops Blaze and other names, was an important community public house.

READ MORE: Bicester Heritage: objections to plans to host night events

Holiday cottage plans (Image: Cherwell District Council) “It catered profitably, as a very good family venue and place to go to at anytime. A wonderful garden with far reaching views for many happy social occasions.

“A dwelling in that position would be inappropriate and infringe on the parking for the licensed public house which it still is.

“We are fighting for the public houses life, which the people of the Sibfords will thank us for eventually.”

Maggie Guy, of Main Street, added: “Like many other local residents it was sad to see a well used/loved pub decline with owners uninterested in running a pub and speculating on property development.

“If a dwelling is built in the location of the plans, it completely blocks the pub car park, and effectively prevents the current dwelling ever being used as a functioning pub. I strongly object."

Jason Farrington, of Burdrop, said: “I strongly object to this application which is yet another in a series of failed applications by the "landlords" of this pub who are relentless in their pursuit of further destroying what was once a thriving local establishment and instead trying to monetise their property to the benefit of themselves and the detriment of the surrounding community.”

Supporter Shaine Redden, of Allhallows Road, Rochester, said: “The objections on this post are purely aggravated people who do not like or are jealous of this couple. There are no real objections to the cottage and I truly hope the planning officer can see through these keyboard warriors.”

In the planning officers' report, it said: “The conservation officer considers that there would not be harm to the designated heritage asset as a result. Therefore, the proposal would preserve the character, appearance and setting of the conservation area.

“It is noted that the proposal develops part of the car park for the existing public house, and there are concerns on the loss of this area for the viability of the public house. The local highway authority has not objected to the scheme.”