A brother and sister allegedly threatened to freeze their elderly mum suffering from dementia in an ice barrel while they filmed a TikTok video on social media.

Martin Murphy, 60, and Caroline Murphy, 61, face charges of conducting themselves in a disorderly manner at Forge Vennel in Kilwinning, Scotland, between January 1, 2022 and January 26 this year.

Mr Murphy, of Eglington Road, Ardrossan, and Ms Murphy, of Woodview, Faringdon, Oxfordshire, both pleaded not guilty to the allegations.

It is claimed that the siblings reprimanded their mother, then aged 87 and suffering from dementia, before repeatedly threatening to place her in a barrel of freezing cold water.

Prosecutors allege that the pair then led the woman out from the house to the garden and again threatened her with the ice water, striking the ice within the barrel with an axe handle, and led her towards the barrel.

Court papers state that the alleged offence was committed whilst the accused duo were 'recording and posting the video recording on the social media platform known as TikTok'.

They face an alternative version of the charge, with the Crown claiming that they caused the alleged victim fear and alarm through threatening or abusive behaviour.

Bail was granted on the condition they do not contact or approach the complainer.

They will return to court at a later date.