Fresh plans have been submitted for new homes after previous plans were turned down.

Mackenzie Miller Homes has applied to West Oxfordshire District Council for permission to build 26 detached and semi-detached homes, including 46 per cent affordable housing, off Woodstock Road in Charlbury.

The site comprises a field off Woodstock Road and garages off Hughes Close which would be demolished.

A new vehicle access would be created off Woodstock Road and a pedestrian and cycle access to Hughes Close.

The developer applied to build 28 homes with 50 per cent affordable housing last year but was turned down in March 2024.

Planning officers said it was "not of a proportionate and appropriate scale to its context and would not form a logical complement to the existing scale and pattern of development", was a "parking dominated scheme" that failed to "comprise high quality design".

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The site lies within the Charlbury Conservation Area, Cotswold Natural Landscape - formerly Cotswold Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty - and the Charlbury Neighbourhood Plan Area as designated by West Oxfordshire District Council in 2014.

An application with revised proposals says the development "adopts features and materials that are found within Charlbury," and "respects the existing residential development that surrounds the site".

New landscaping within the development "creates high quality green amenity and enhances biodiversity" and "a high-quality well-designed development both enhances and contributes positively to the immediate locality and the wider context of Charlbury."

The application states the inclusion of 1,2,3 and 4 bedroom properties will "address a lack of a mix of housing in Charlbury" and inclusion of affordable properties will address the West Oxfordshire Local Plan 2031 and adopted Charlbury Neighbourhood Plan.

The developer will reinstate native trees and the development provides an "opportunity for a bespoke landscape scheme to be TPO’d with specific details rather than the 50 year old area TPO [Tree Preservation Order]."

The applicant said they have addressed concerns over an 'unsafe' proposed pedestrian route from Woodstock Road and a pedestrian and cycle route now leads only on to next-door Hughes Close.

In the new layout there is also more green infrastructure around the boundary. A roughly 1.5 metre hedgerow will also be planted at the site entrance to soften the visual impact.

The proposed site entrance will not be dissimilar in character to the neighbouring new developments of Wychwood View and Reynolds Close, said planning documents.

Concerns raised by Thames Valley Police regarding site security and safety have also been addressed, said the applicant.

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There are no longer any parking spaces without surveillance, and visitor parking spaces have been evenly distributed throughout the site to maintain high levels of visibility and safety.