A new children's home has got planning permission in an Oxfordshire village. 

Gratia Cura Residential Ltd applied for a change of use, from a residential home to a children's home, for a building in The Gap in Marcham, near Abingdon

Vale of White Horse District Council planners permitted the scheme using delegated powers on August 16. 

It will house two children and will be managed by two support staff and one manager, working shifts.

Concerns had been raised about the proposal by Marcham Parish Council. 

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Children's home plans (Image: Vale of White Horse District Council) They said: “The PC recognises the importance of providing accommodation and support for vulnerable youngsters, but does have some concerns regarding the application. 

“The application states that there will be 14 employees. Presumably there will also be therapy and other support agency workers arriving, as well as visitors, and possibly the children could be collected by taxi.

"This represents a substantial increase in vehicular movements over and above the current use as a private family house. 

“Access to the property is via a long narrow gravel drive, with no vision splays or sight lines at the northern end where it emerges into the road called The Gap.”

Despite this, planners were satisfied with the scheme.

In their report, planning officers said: “Appropriate measures have been set out to demonstrate how the use will be managed and to limit any risk of noise disturbance.

"Sufficient detail has been provided to ensure parking and turning can be provided on site for staff shift changes.”