More than 35 residents are objecting to plans for Bicester Heritage to be used for events as late as 9pm. 

Applicant Bicester Motion wants to remove the condition of a noise management plan from a permitted scheme to change the use of the site, in Buckingham Road, to allow for aviation, vehicle exercising and other uses.

The proposal is for circuit activity to be from 9am-5pm with a 30-minute overrun period. However, the plan also includes provision for activity between 6pm and 9pm on 'Category A' days.

A total of 37 people have submitted objections to Cherwell District Council. 

Christine Black, of Mill Road, said: “The noise would be unbearable for all residents.

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“The PA system would further enhance the noise problems. 9pm far too late. The noise would be disruptive to young children and elderly residents sleep wise.

“All day, every day requirements, would make living in the village awful.

“It would affect our peace, our living standards and life would become unbearable. Bicester Heritage is becoming a selfish neighbour to the village and a nuisance.”

Sharon Burston, of Blackburn Walk, added: “I highly object to this taking place it's noisy enough just living across the road from them as it is with the noisy cars going round backfiring.

"The work that's happening now is horrendous with machines digging up along the edge of skimmingdish, please please someone on the council say no to this being allowed it's not going to bring happiness to the residents it's just to line BH pockets and has to stop.

“Don't let them turn that place into a smaller version of Silverstone to make them richer think of the residents who pay mortgages, rent council tax to live in our houses and want to enjoy our gardens.”

Bruce Gould, of Montgomery Road, said: “I strongly object to any further development of Bicester Airfield site that increases noise.

"The noise level is already intrusive and extremely annoying. The noise from performance engines and screeching tyres is particularly annoying and can be heard inside houses on Caversfield.”

In the applicant's covering letter, it said: “Having regard to the proposed Noise Management Plan, it is considered that appropriate measures have been proposed to ensure that amenities of nearby residents are protected through strict and appropriate hours of operation and noise limits, robust enforcement procedures and appropriate community engagement. 

“In accordance with Policy ENV1, it is considered that the proposed Noise Management Plan will ensure that the amenities of the environment, including the amenities of residential properties, are not unduly affected by the aviation, vehicle exercising and other uses/events permitted by application ref. 23/01085/F.”