More than 15 residents are objecting to plans to replace a house in an Oxford suburb with two. 

Changlong Sun has submitted an application to Vale of White Horse District Council for the houses in Cumnor Hill in Botley. 

It will be decided by the planning committee today (Wednesday, September 25). Planning officers have recommended it for approval. 

However, residents say the new homes will be out of character for the area. 

Claire Townsend, of Cumnor Hill, said: “This proposal is not in keeping with the designation of lower Cumnor Hill as an Area of Special Local Character. 

“The policy aims to keep the area's character and the size and mass of the houses within this proposal is out of character on lower Cumnor Hill. 

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Plans for two homes (Image: Vale of White Horse District Council) “The proposed houses will have an adverse effect on adjoining properties on Martin Close and on 18, 18a and 18b Cumnor Hill as the second house, built in the current back garden, would both overshadow and overlook these properties.

“It is clear - from the data provided by the applicant - that biodiversity net gain requirement is not met by this application.”

Nicola Brown, of Martin Close, added: “The proposal to build an additional house in the back garden of an existing house, which in itself will be demolished and replaced by a much larger dwelling, will cause problems of privacy, amenity, and access.

"This would be a detriment to the character of the area and does not reflect the existing pattern of modest houses fronting the road in large gardens with many trees. 

“The size of the proposed houses, located in a relatively small garden, is out of character with the pattern of development on lower Cumnor Hill and would increase the harmful visual and unneighbourly impact of the proposed development on its surroundings.” 

Joanna Moffett-Levy, of Third Acre Rise, said: “I would like to object to this application. First, the development is at odds with the Neighbourhood Plan, in particular section DBC5 about preserving the special character of the area.

"Second the 'backland' house is too large and will have an adverse effect on the neighbouring houses especially those on Martin Close.”

Cumnor Parish Council also submitted an objection. 

In the planning officers' report, it said: "The proposed development accords with the spatial strategy of the development plan and subject to the recommended conditions officers consider that the development will be unharmful to visual and neighbour amenity, highway safety, ecology and flood risk.

"Therefore, the application is considered to accord with the policies of the development plan and the NPPF and it is recommended that permission be granted."