The face of the man guilty of assaulting four young girls in the 1980s has now been released by police

David Tilley, 77, was jailed for eight years after a trial at Oxford Crown Court in which the Faringdon man was found guilty in July. 

He was charged with 11 counts of indecent assault on a girl under the age of 14 and two counts of gross indecency.

He assaulted four young girls, who are now adults, all of whom cannot be named for legal reasons. The age of the girls at the time of the offences ranged from nine to 14.

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Tilley had denied the offences and described the allegations as a ‘load of rubbish’.

However, after a trial, Tilley was found guilty on all counts except one count of indecent assault upon Judge Hassan Khan’s direction.

He was sentenced at the same court on Friday, September 20.

For one victim, the court heard Tilley would touch her under and over clothing for several years.

She described the actions as ‘deliberate’ on Tilley’s part and the pattern continued from the age of 11 to 14.

He was sentenced to five years imprisonment for the first victim, two years for the second victim, one year for the third victim, and a one-year concurrent sentence for the fourth victim.

Tilley will serve two thirds of his sentence in custody before being released on licence. Court orders will apply in his case.

Investigating officer Detective Constable Chloe Thompson of Abingdon Criminal Investigation Department (CID) said: “I am pleased that Tilley has finally been brought to justice for the many years of offending he conducted against young girls in the 1970s and 1980s.

“He has never shown any remorse and even attempted to victim blame during the trial.

“I am pleased that the jury saw through all of his lies.

“I cannot commend the bravery of Tilley’s victims enough, for coming forward and speaking out about what happened to them.

“Our fight against child sexual abuse will never stop, and no matter what the passage of time, I hope that this conviction and sentence highlights not only our commitment in tackling these crimes, but also our commitment in protecting all children and tracking down anyone who seeks to harm them.”