A programme aimed at helping communities hit hardest by the pandemic and the cost-of-living crisis will continue until 2025.

OxLEP Skills has announced that the 'No Limits' programme, launched in November 2022, will be extended thanks to a £296,000 grant from all five district councils through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF).

The programme, which is delivered by Didcot-based charity SOFEA and Aspire Oxfordshire, has provided skills and employability support to more than 600 people across the county.

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The support has been provided through 19 food larders and other community settings.

The programme is designed to assist five groups identified as most in need: young people who have experienced educational disruption or unemployment, minority ethnic communities, those furthest from the labour market, individuals over 50, and economically inactive residents wanting to return to work.

The 'No Limits' programme provides up to 30 hours of one-to-one support for individuals seeking employment, education, or training.

This includes help with CV writing, completing application forms, and preparing for interviews.

It also offers travel bursaries for those struggling to get to interviews or jobs, and provides electronic devices, data, and informal digital training for those experiencing digital poverty.

The programme also focuses on green skills, raising awareness of free Green Skills Courses available for residents in certain areas.

Sally Andreou, skills hub manager at OxLEP, said: "OxLEP Skills is delighted to be able to continue the 'No Limits' programme with the support of UKSPF funding.

"We are excited to continue our partnership with SOFEA and Aspire on this project, which aims to help local people gain skills and access resources that can support them into employment."

The programme can also fund other barriers to employment, education, or training such as access to certifications or training.

In addition to the continuation of the programme, funding has also been secured through the UKSPF to provide courses in sectors where skills are in demand, such as green construction and care.

These courses will help people get closer to employment and/or training.

The 'No Limits' programme will signpost and raise awareness of these courses to open up new career pathways for residents of the county in one of the five target groups.

For more information about the programme and available courses, visit the OxLEP Skills website.

The announcement of the extension comes ahead of this year's Employability Day on Friday (September 13).

The day provides an opportunity for employment support organisations and employers to celebrate their work in helping people enter or progress in employment.