A shop owner launched a blistering attack on Network Rail and Oxfordshire County Council blaming their 'incompetent' handling of the Botley Road closure for sending his business to the wall.

Joe Devlin and his partner Theresa said the extended closure - in place since April 2023 - has destroyed business Pickle and Lime on Botley Road, which is closing after almost 40 years of trading.

In a post online, he said his business had "suffered from the very first day" while Theresa described "the constant changes in plans" as "soul destroying".

The couple said: "We are so tired of this battle", adding that they were having to give away what they can't sell to charities.

Joe Devlin in 2014 when Botley Road was closed due to flooding (Image: Ed Nix) Mr Devlin's roots as a trader in Botley Road stretch back almost 50 years. His mother launched the Eggs Etcetera delicatessen in 1975 and he turned it into the Pickle and Lime in 2020.

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In that time he said he "faced challenges that have hit us really hard – floods, fire, Waitrose opening, Covid lockdowns".

"So when we heard of the Botley Road closure and we were told that it will be closed at six months, reopen and then another six months the next year, we had to think to ourselves that it will be tough but we could keep pushing on and get through it."

But the business immediately lost customers from Summertown and Jericho, including a Russian family from North Oxford who spent £150 a week, but who he "barely saw" after the closure, he said. 

Mr Devlin said business has dropped by 40 per cent or more.

He added: "We are so tired of this battle, every day, the long hours for no return.

"The Botley Road is no longer a place for businesses to flourish. It is a place of despair with empty shops and traffic signs saying 'ROAD CLOSED'."

Joe and Theresa said they 'have had enough' (Image: Joe Devlin)

The couple said they tried to talking to Network Rail, who he said were rude, and to the council.

"Network Rail suggested making a video – a complete waste of time, it wouldn’t generate any business," said Mr Devlin.

"Our customers know that we’re here, but getting here has become impossible.

"Our MP Layla Moran has been very good. She came to the shop, and she was so easy to talk to and sympathetic. I know she’s really tried, but she was unable to get any help for us.

"I’ve had enough. I don’t enjoy it anymore. If we had a decent offer, I’d sell up tomorrow. We just want to have a life again.

"The way we’ve been treated is just appalling."

Theresa added: "It’s the constant changes in plans that is soul destroying.

"All summer we’ve been hanging on, hanging on, thinking the road would reopen in October then we might get a good run up to Christmas, get some of our old business back.

"Now we’ve no confidence that the road will ever reopen. Network Rail just don’t seem to know what they’re doing."

Julian Le Vay, who runs local campaign group West Oxford Access, said the greengrocer had been "driven to the wall by Network Rail’s endless incompetence".

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He added "congratulations" to Network Rail, Oxfordshire County Council and Oxford City Council "you did this".

Rail minister Lord Hendy has said he is "urgently waiting" to hear from Network Rail on its latest timetable for reopening Botley Road.

Network Rail has said: “We continue to work with the Department for Transport and local authority partners as we undertake a full review of the programme and will provide an update on timescales for the next steps of the project as soon as we’re able.   

"It will also consider options for rescheduling the replacement of Botley Road railway bridge.   No decision has yet been made."

A spokesman for the county council said the timing of the reopening and completion of the Network Rail review was a matter for Network Rail and the Department for Transport.

"Like everyone in Oxford we want to hear as soon as possible what Network Rail’s plans and future timetable will be," he said.