A father who resorted back to drug use after his son became ill learnt that his nine-year-old boy had died whilst he was in prison, a court has heard.

Jamie Bilverstone had rebuilt his life after a period of heavy offending, including burglaries, which ended in a prison sentence that ended in 2012.

However, the 45-year-old resorted back to Class A drug use and offending after leaving the family home and sleeping rough during the stress of his son becoming critically ill.

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Whilst remanded in custody for a burglary and fraud offence which took place on June 24, Bilverstone found out that his son had passed away.

Recorder Joseph Hart described the circumstances as tragic and offered his sympathies to the defendant before imposing the lowest possible sentence he could.

Sentencing him to 29 months imprisonment on Friday (September 13) at Oxford Crown Court, he said: “This is tragic but not exceptional. You have all my sympathies for the death of your son and it’s an open wound that must grieve you every day.

“You have my deepest sympathies and you have the hopes of this court that you will bring an end to your offending and you will come out to be the  man you managed to be in 2021 – I hope we do not see you again.”

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During the sentencing, it was heard that Bilverstone had broken into a home in Oxford on June 24 this year and stole bank cards, a laptop, a handbag and BMW keys which were attached to an Apple Airtag that is a location device.

He attempted to use the cards to buy a McDonalds.

Following the Airtag, officers later found Bilverstone sleeping rough in Luther Street with the stolen items near him.

All of the items were returned to their owners and the transactions on the card had been cancelled.

Bilverstone, who has 27 previous convictions for 49 offences, was remanded in custody where he later learnt his son had passed away.

Speaking to his barrister, the defendant said: “I’m fine at the moment, I’m going to be clean when released.

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“I’ve got children step stepchildren, step grandchildren and a grandchild on the way. I’ve a lot to live for. I’m going to go back to being an electrician and live with my mother or brother.”

He also hopes to rebuild his relationship with his partner.

Bilverstone will serve half his sentence before being released on licence. His time on remand will count towards his total time served.