A debt advice service is celebrating a decade of helping Oxford residents for free.

Five churches came together to launch the Christians Against Poverty Oxford (Central) Debt Centre in 2014, in partnership with the UK charity Christians Against Poverty (CAP).

Since then, the service has helped more than 400 households become debt-free.

This support is said to have saved family relationships, improved mental wellbeing, and changed lives for the better.

Debt centre manager Andrew Johnson and debt free ex-client Charlotte Drake cut the 10th anniversary cakeDebt centre manager Andrew Johnson and debt free ex-client Charlotte Drake cut the 10th anniversary cake (Image: Christians Against Poverty)

Jill Ewbank, debt coach and former debt centre manager, said: "We are celebrating every single one of the amazing people we have helped out of debt in Oxford over the last 10 years.

"Debt can be easy to fall into and hard to get out of, without expert help, especially with how high the cost of essentials are right now."

The service is keen to raise awareness of free debt advice as many people continue to struggle with the high costs of essentials.

Debt coach Kath Jackson said: "We want to give huge praise to everyone in debt who has contacted us for help, worked with our team, and are now debt free or making progress towards achieving that aim."

Andrew Johnson, the centre manager, said: "At Christians Against Poverty, our mission is to work with local churches to help people in our area break free from the chains of debt and poverty so they don’t have to use all their energy on just trying to survive but can have the opportunity to thrive."

Steve Jones, leader of Oxford Community Church, celebrates the service's 10th anniversarySteve Jones, leader of Oxford Community Church, celebrates the service's 10th anniversary (Image: Christians Against Poverty)

James Bloice Smith, the chair of trustees, added: "I want to thank those who have been staff team members and those who have volunteered from our partner churches, and other supporting churches.

"Over the last 10 years they have spent countless hours supporting local people in need. Because of them, many lives in Oxford have been changed for the better.

"However, the task is never over, and we will use our 10th anniversary celebration to renew our vision and go again."

Mr Johnson continued: "You can play your part by helping us to raise awareness of the free debt advice service we offer and by donating to Christians Against Poverty so more people can be helped.

"Prices are still so much higher than they were a few years ago which is putting huge financial pressure on low income households and leading many into debt.

"Together, we can help change more lives and tackle poverty in Oxford."

The partner churches that manage the CAP Oxford (Central) Debt Centre are Emmanuel Church, Headington Baptist Church, St Clement’s Church, and St Matthew’s Church, all of which are in Oxford.